Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Darth Vader Chinese Version

A friend of mine fooling around with the Darth Vader helmet.
Flat tummy
Shuffle King
Ah Beng

So kgia, enough of that animal~!

Monday, September 26, 2011


posted by tkl

I'm tired!!!exhausted.need a holiday.

Unfortunately, I don't have the pic of wjx and kapybara with me now or i'd post it up but no matter, the moment i get home i'll do it!

if he doesn't beat me to posting something that is..he has plenty of time considering from work i have to go straight to dress rehearsal..

sigh yesterday nearly saw me have a melt down.i'm currently helping out A to Z do their schedule, n one student was being VERY difficult with his class time. He has caused so many problems before!He not only wants ONLY FEMALE teachers, he sometimes makes unnecessary comments about the staff's looks. This makes the teachers feel uncomfortable and his classes are always in the BIGGEST classroom so that the teachers can stand as far away as possible from him. Not only that but it seems he presents a different persona to teachers. In front of one, he has a very exciting nightlife, he even had a mistress in China or so he claims. In front of me he claims to go home straight after work every night to spend time with his children.Right.

And I thought I was free from all the freaks in Japan.Guess not. Thank goodness I have classes from requested students almost every night (they request me la not the other way round) so I have a good excuse not to teach him..

want a holiday~~ can someone plan for me and i just go along?no time to plan and can't be bothered with details.apa sajalah as long as not too expensive.broke la.dont ask me why im always broke.money just seems to disappear.

by the way wjx will be performing with cik Su and william at look out point, (click here) where the view is georgeous~~ Thurs night.good luck!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


It's time to threaten wjx again!

I've decided to introduce kapybara in this post~

Isn't he cute?????So adorable right???He likes to wear hats. And he likes to turn upside down just like my dog, so that I can scratch his tummy ;p

Now you may wonder, as I did, what ka-pi-ba-ra means. I first found out about kapibara in Japan, and it was too too cute so I got my friend to win kapybara for me from one of those game machines in the archade. Thank you jon jon~
Anyway, i recently searched kapibara, expecting to find out kapibara was some strange as$ short form thingy in Japanese for something, but I was wrong!

Behold a real kapybara:

Not quite as cute huh? Apparently it's a rodent..

Anyway, if wjx doesn't post something up, look forward to seeing a picture/pictures of him hanging out with kapybara.Hahahahaha~

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Short + Sweet Musical Trailer

: D

Really like this trailer. I love Aleeya's voice. I have no idea how to spell her name hahahaha..her voice is even better live..

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

bits and pieces of everything

posted by tkl

there are a few things i wanna say....

1. They always say how we're a multi-racial community that lives in peace despite our different religions n blahblahblah..I seriously wonder whether that's true especially since Jais raided a church. In Sri Lanka, they are now living harmoniously and trying to build the country. I really believe that had they not had sooo many wars, they'd be richer than us. I feel like we are going backwards and erasing all the good and peace and harmony our former leaders created for us. Caring about all these petty differences is just going to slow down our development. We should be a bit more like Sri Lanka. Mosques next to churches, temples opposite mosques etc etc. They realise that it's not worth fighting over things like that..

2. photo for Mae who requested for more photos of Sri Lanka:

3. i shaved someone's head last night for the first time!or rather, i butchered his hair @.@ i'm sorry Iman!! he doesn't read this blog hahaha...Director made me do it!!you can see what happened in the trailer that will be coming out soon..

4. wjx's band was in MYC's Sept issue. Can you see them? Just coincidence they're in the issue about metrosexual guys btw.

5. i miss my granma.Going to chant sutta for her. I hope she isn't suffering and that she's not in pain.

ok i dah malas dah.n already forgot what other random shit i wanted to say.that's it for now!see yaaaaa~

wjx, your turn!!!post something!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

last blog post on the Sri Lanka trip

One of the most peaceful memories I have of Sri Lanka is when I went to visit a stupa called Ruwanwelisaya. The tour guide said that it was built by a king after he managed to chase invaders out of Sri Lanka and unite the kingdom. In the process he had to kill many people and felt sad because of that so he had this stupa built.

Usually, people help construct stupas for free to gain merit for themselves but the king paid for the construction of the stupa, paid the workers' a salary, fed them and clothed them to gain all the merit for himself. According to the guide anyway.

It's a very beautiful stupa. My photo doesn't do it justice.

We walked around the stupa following the monk. Each of us held a lotus flower and we chanted. It was soooo quiet and peaceful. There was a lovely breeze and there were tiny birds flying around the stupa. I always believe that animals like peaceful places and they try to avoid places where there is strife or chaos. Our shadows moved along the walls with us. We prayed for peace and harmony and this was one of the rare times when I felt at peace. I'm not a religious person, but I like this feeling of being at peace.

In Sri Lanka we also went to a Buddhist Cultural Centre. We talked to the chief monk there and someone asked him about the percentage of Buddhists in Colombo. He said only 20% were Buddhists now. There are more Muslims. Someone asked him why and he said "Well, many Muslims are moving there.Also, Muslims are allowed to marry 4 wives and have many children. Monks don't have children and Buddhist lay people only 1 or 2 children." I found this kind of funny, hahaha...Reproduction is one of the reasons for a decline in Buddhism!Anyway, the centre was great, lots of Buddhist books where u can go to find out about the history of Buddhism in Sri Lanka or about Buddhism in general. And the view from the rooftop is great:

I kinda miss Sri Lanka. 

Thursday, September 8, 2011

post about links

posted by tkl


Added some links to the side~~

Djezna Stalker's the band wjx is in and is kinda how we met..but I'll leave that story for wjx to tell coz he likes to tell it hahaha..;p

A to Z is where I teach English part time, hehe..can you spot me on the site?I think I look ridiculously stupid honestly but I can't tell them to get rid of the photos -.-

Joy's my friend I met in Japan, we went for the same training before teaching at Berlitz.We taught at different branches but hung out from time to time. She's like my oneesan (older sister) ^.^

fmylife...i love reading this, the posts are short and funny!

Shop at whitesoot for good deals, good service and also good after sales service!Love their colors and variety

This is the 2nd year I'm taking part in short + sweet.More details next time!Making a trailer on Monday I believe..

Look what I bought!
wjx doesn't wana walk with me if i go out walking with this -.- Anyone wanna go????

oh i just registered for JLPT N2 in Dec!i hope i pass >.< haven't studied Japanese for so long!!I need helpppp....

no time to worry about it now..time to sleep!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

not enough time

Lately, I've been looking at my appointment book alot.

This is the first year i'm actually really using one..before that,i'd use an appointment book for maybe a couple of weeks then i'd lose it or forget to write things in it or it wasn't necessary..

now..i desperately need it and i think if i lose it i'll freak out.

I'm finding it difficult remembering all my classes and times although some of them stick to their regular times and days..most of the time..

also i've got rehearsals for s+s musicals and s+s theatre..@.@

not to mention bridesmaid duties, which fortunately so far have not taken up too much time and of course i'm glad to take part in such a happy event ^.^ Congrats Nadia & Tate

i need more time!!how to take JLPT test if no time to self study or take lessons?

need time to visit granma too.by the time i finish work/rehearsals it be sleepy time for her.

& of cos paktoh..ya wjx?hahaha

Friday, September 2, 2011

my granma

My granma is sick.

Even then, she can still scold the nurses and give them her killer glare. She doesn't like people poking and touching and prodding her so she will punch and tell them off.

i hope she gets better even if all she does is not recognize me and pinches me and glares at me.i think she deserves the right to be grumpy 99% of the time considering she can't move around by herself, can only watch whatever channel my aunt chooses, can't eat all her favorite food anymore or play mahjong.

The 1% of the time when she's feeling good, she'll speak English, wave, smile, ask us if we've eaten, ask about our day..let us hug and kiss her.I love her in either mood.

Get better mama!Miss you.