Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Sri Lanka

It's my 2nd night in Kandy.we're leaving tomorrow.kinda sad to leave.I'm sitting at the balcony in the dark coz there's no light here.there's a nice gentle breeze n I can smell the oil from the Ayurvedic treatment earlier.I can hear crickets n dogs barking in the distance.the sky is a deep dark navy blue n stars r winking n twinkling.Sri Lanka is so beautiful,there's so much greenery n there's the river,the nice weather,the rich culture n history.

Wjx,I miss u ;p

Btw saw this on my hotel bed n thought it was so cute!not that kinda holiday tho haha.in Thailand we got elephant n ox shaped towels before!cute too but I think this is way more impressive..

Monday, August 29, 2011

Sri Lanka

This is my 1st day in Sri Lanka.I've been kinda grouchy,but hey,less than 5hours of sleep,n uncontinuous sleep mind u,will do that to ya.well,to me anyway.
We (a Buddhist group) went to donate money n items to orphanages today.i don't know why but they made it so that each person gave some money and a bag to each kid.to me,it just felt like a show.a circus.unnecessary n superfluous.

Just give the items straight to the organization n let them hand them out!do people actually feel good handing the things to those poor kids?
Anyway,I had to do it too if only to satisfy my parents n keep every1 else quiet instead of nagging me.it was very uncomfortable.
I wanted it to b over n done with ASAP.the first kid was ok n then to my supreme embarrassment,the 2nd kid knelt down n put her hands together in thanks.I froze.I felt like running away,pulling her up..I heard a man say in Canto 'Wah kei song ah yau yan kowtow bei lei',(wah so syok ppl kowtow u).n I thought 'what an asshole!!' n I felt angry.

It wasn't 'song' at all.if anything it made me extremely uncomfortable,embarrassed n inadequate.I only handed over 100rupee,which amounts to about RM3 n a bag,which I don't think comes anywhere near to warranting getting a kowtow.
In the end,as usual,my dudu saved the day,avoiding me from becoming completely jaded n cynical.I was really fuming over the man's comments n the people telling their friends to take pictures while they gave stuff away when my dad said 'look at how much good our Venerable has done with his tremendous effort'.n it's true.despite whatever superficial reasons these ppl may or may not have had donating,the root of it all came from his good intentions in helping the orphans n the good results from those good intentions are what's most important.

by kgia

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Ugly Duckling

Roasted Duck Anyone?
Photography by Wangster

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

wjx haircut

So, what do you think??it's not toooo bad right?hahaha i actually think wjx looks better in the 'Before' pic hahahaha..apparently his parents really really like his new haircut ^.^

i asked wjx if he wanted to cut my hair but he said he's afraid i'll kill him...-.-

Monday, August 22, 2011


posted by tkl

i woke up tired today..

not surprising..woke up early yesterday for work, left a bit early (will make it up today!!>.<)..2 English classes..musical rehearsal (which was very intense) till about 1130...got home n went to sleep 12+

im doing too many things aren't i..

anyway...check this out!!this is so cool!Ulric Collette turned 2 relatives into 1 person using funky photo software..very cool!

btw i got the go ahead to put up wjx's before/after hair cut photos haha..coming soon..

Saturday, August 20, 2011

event full day


Today, i cut wjx hair!!he was very very reluctant to let me do it n i think he regretted agreeing to let me do it (i kinda confused him by talking a lot n wheedling n changing the way i asked him questions into letting me do it) even when i appeared his house with shaving kit in tow.

i played it kinda safe, didnt cut much.i dont think i did a great job..but i think he can go out in public..what do u think wjx?haha..

i kinda wana post a before n after pic here..wonder if he'll let me?*hint hint hahaha..

Then i went to the flea market by Tongue in Chic!am very proud to say i refrained from spending except to buy a bday present for a friend which was my original purpose anyway.Then dinner!

Then I went to watch Cartoon by Steve Yockey!

i didn't really know what to expect coz im not much for reading up on stuff, i'd rather just go see what something's abt..anyway, it was good!entertaining n good laughs.There was a very funny but awkward moment when 1 of the character falls on the floor, n the position he fell in, his face was looking up a girl's skirt..she uncomfortably moved her legs away..hahaha..Matt Ong, if u're reading, good job!!Have to thank Grace Ng for helping us get student tickets.probably wouldn't have gone if i had to get normal priced tickets.

ok time for oi oi, night night!

Friday, August 19, 2011

comments & damn super no mood

posted by tkl

I just changed the settings on this so that anyone can comment..but i tried to using my own gmail account but couldnt -_-...is anyone else having the same problem??

damn super no mood la...i was thinking of taking the N2 Japanese proficiency test end of the year...but the language centre I work at doesn't offer preparation courses for that, nor do they have any high level group classes..so I either have to self study or take lessons outside..

self study...malas lah..it won't happen lor hahaha..difficult enough for me to do my homework..which rarely ever happens nowadays..i usually make stuff up before i go to class..if i even go to class..

outside courses..i checked jfkl..they're having a pre-advanced course fr Sept, the entrance test is tomorrow (Yes, ada entrance test for taking the course, damn strict right!), but the fees are RM900 for all 3 sections (reading, grammar, comprehension - RM300 each).wahhhh..i can go on a trip somewhere!!decided to forego..SIGH.damn super no mood d...

yes, i can still self study but i really believe language is something that shld b learnt in a class, u need interaction to learn!u can't just listen to CDs or watch anime, it doesn't work that way..

i want more money.

Stick and Bones

Could be your future. Could be mine.
Photography by Wangster.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

on purpose or mistake?

posted by tkl

Saw this signboard today at Sunway Giza:
I only noticed Amber Chia at first then wjx said like 'Haha, spelling wrong la!'. Apparently, acccording to this signboard, she's an 'ambrassador'! We started discussing whether it was on purpose or a mistake. I think it must be a mistake..don't tell me she's an ambassador for bras or something??

Man, there are soooo many signboards with the wrong spelling in Malaysia. It's embarrassing. You're gonna spend a few thousand on a signboard, at least check the spelling!!!If I were Amber and the 'ambrassador' was really a mistake, I wouldn't even put the signboard up. Or at least, I'd get some tape to cover that up or use a marker pen to conteng over it or something.

Oh well, provided us with a good laugh so all's good.

Btw, wjx, if you don't post up a picture/pictures soon, I'm posting a pic of u n kapybara up soon.hehe~

Saturday, August 13, 2011


posted by tkl

i was supposed to send an e-mail to my co-worker's student so earlier i dutifully went through my pictures folder to find the photos. i found July and opened it only to find that i had opened last year's july folder instead of this year. and i found this photo:

it was taken i think in nerofico..or was it nbt?and those are mimi's hands. (nice hands mimi!)

it kinda reminded me that it's the Hungry Ghost Festival too. i remember when i was younger, it used to be so thrilling and slightly creepy at night during the festival but now i don't feel anything anymore.kinda saddening coz it feels like the world is losing it's magic because im growing up

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

this is a rant

posted by tkl

Tonight at Japanese class, a classmate told of how last week on her way to class from Mont Kiara, a car hit her car and 4 Africans got out of the car, pushed her and drove off with her car.

This is so.so.scary.

i'm so glad she's ok and that she wasn't too badly hurt. But this is happening too often.it's getting to be a common story.

what are the police doing? and why are so many of these people allowed in?

And how dare they say that the crime rate has gone down? they even sound proud of it. The only reason the crime rate has "gone down" is because people have given up. They feel that there's no point in making reports. How dare they say that the crime rate has gone down???Do they even live in the same country? Do they even know what's going on??

If we allow this to go on, we could end up like South America where crime is really rampant. I don't want that.It needs to stop.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

to supper or not to supper

posted by tkl

It's 11:40..almost time for me to sleep...but the craving is still there...i've been contemplating having tom yum instant noodles since the moment i finished dinner..haha..i'm not really hungry..just wana eat..but i remember the last time i told Wang i had 2 suppers after dinner, he sent me something like this on msn:

(       )                    )      (
  )   (          =         (        )
(       )                    )      (

Thanks a lot Wang..    still <3 u though ; p