Tuesday, October 18, 2011

How long would you wait?

posted by tkl

In Japanese class the other day we were asked this question. How long would you wait for these people, and how long would you let them wait for you?

1. your teacher

2. your family

3. your friends

4. your boyfriend/girlfriend

Take a minute and think about it.

From the answers you could really tell about people. One person said she would wait 30 minutes for every person, regardless of which group they were in. One said they would wait for their friends longer than their boyfriend. A young guy, in his teens said he would wait for his girlfriend forever. Did you just go awwwwww....????Coz i sure did!!i kind of went awwww but i kinda also thought 'let's see if u still think the same way 20 years later!' Am I jaded or what??I feel kinda sad that i think this way..although i don't think i was ever as romantic as that guy..our teacher said she could wait 1-2 hours for her friends and boyfriend! I can't imagine waiting that long really and not being pissed but i can imagine her being like this. She's sooooo patient.

But once wjx waited 1 whole hour for me.i won't forget that.i'm so so sorry i made u wait that long!n thanks so much for not complaining or whining or getting angry..

but i hope u don't expect me to wait around for u...hahahaha just joking!


mae said...

i feel bad that people are always waiting for me.

but certain friends u have to wait for longer when u ajak them out so u always bring a book to read or show up as late hahaha

kgia said...

haha what u do is tell them the meeting time is half an hour earlier than the actual one!

wjx said...

i don't dare to complain, whine or get angry.

kgia said...

haha u don't dare kah..and i thought u were just super nice! cheh ;p