Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Open Mic at Doppel

So the other night we performed at Open Mic Doppel Kafe in Central Market Annexe.

Haha funny I said it so casually when it wasn't casual at all!

Jk, Lucas and I rehearsed lots. Well not lots lots but we did take time out to rehearse n stuff. Thanks guys!

It was quite nerve wrecking..I don't know about the guys but I was quite nervous. Though not as nervous as when I audition for Short + Sweet.

Watching the videos, I feel that I sound bad! I need vocal lessons hahaha..And I'm obviously nervous coz I keep looking at Jk n Lucas coz I don't know where to look. I know I should look at the audience but..I get more nervous doin that! N I was afraid I'd forget the words if I did that..'s our performance of Young Folks:

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


I think it was last month that I first read about James Hooker and Jordan Powers.

The case gets me so riled up! He used to be her high school teacher, and then he leaves his wife and children (one of which went to the same high school and is only a year younger than her) to move in with her. Can you imagine how much pain this must have caused her mom, Tammie Powers?

They appeared on Dr Phil: Watch this:

Although I don't particularly like Dr. Phil, I think he asked some very good questions and made some very good comments. 

Although they claim they only had sexual relations after she turned 18, I don't think that makes it alright anyway. It's still wrong! On so many levels. Anyway 18 is just an arbitrary number. And what is wrong with her?? Ok, she's young and naive but still!! Does she not realize the repercussions? She threw her life away! And for what??

Then the news came that he was arrested "on suspicion of sexually abusing another student more than 10 years ago". You can read it here. And so the teen left her boyfriend and went back to her mom and I was happy that she came to her senses.

But today I'm upset again because he's out on bail and she went back to him! (Read here) What is wrong with her??? Sigh there's something wrong with the world.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Short + Sweet Musical Workshop 2012

Yesterday I went for the Short + Sweet Musical Performers workshop.

It was so fun! I didn't really expect to enjoy it that much.

The facilitator was the awesome Llew Marsh. He taught us so much!

But I have to say what I liked most about it was doing things in a group. Singing different parts in a group of just 1 song, I'd never done that before! I had trouble doing it but it sounds oh so so sweet!

As a result of the workshop yesterday I'm now hooked on this song:
Do you know it? From the movie Rent. I'd seen it ages ago and I remember when I heard this song then I was enthralled from the first word. Amazing stuff!

Quoting from the song..How do you measure a persons life? How do you measure a year? In laughter? In truths learnt? How about love?

So amazing. How can you not fall in love with the song? and the tune? and the singing? & the voices? Obviously I'm addicted to the song. Don't worry, it'll be over in a few days. I'll stop singing it non stop the whole day. I think. Haha~

Thursday, April 12, 2012


I sometimes get restless.

That's when I always contemplate doing something to my hair.

I've had so many haircuts (& 1 shave maumau will never forgive me for hahaha but that's another story).

Mostly bad haircuts.

N I've dyed my hair a few times. Always regretted it some time later though. Stinks.

1 thing bad haircuts have taught me is to chin up. It doesn't matter if u look like crap or have a huge pimple on ur nose or whatever. U still gotta face the world.

The last time I dyed my hair was 2 years back. Just before I came back from Japan. I had a voucher for a few thousand yen at a hairdresser and I wanted to do something different. The hairdresser had been really good at giving me haircuts so far so I trusted him to dye my hair.

I didn't know he'd dye it sooooo light. I definitely didn't ask him to do this color:

It always surprises me how well people think they know you from how you look.

Oh, you dye ur hair this color u're a Japanese/Korean idol wannabe.

You have short spunky hair, u got an attitude.

u got long hair, u're a girly girl.

People read too much into things like that. But I really like observing it. Sometimes playing along.

So who are you? Does your hairstyle portray who you wanna portray you are?

Thursday, April 5, 2012


In Xiamen I went to this shop:

For those of you who don't know Chinese, it means 'egg roll shoe'.

I bought a pair!

What do you think? Cool? I seriously hate how fat my feet are and look -.- plus the popping veins don't help haha...

It even comes in a wicked pouch:

An excuse to wear super high heels? With the egg roll shoes I now have backup shoes I can easily carry around! hahahaha