Friday, October 26, 2012


The landing announcement went something along the line of "don't be alarmed if we fly very near the mountains. This is standard landing procedure.

 I can't really explain what the first glance of Bhutan was like but..Wow.

The Bhutanese airport:
Landing into clear blue skies and lovely weather's a good sign.

Beauty is very pleasing to the eyes

This is the largest mall in Bhutan

I took this photo because it struck me that we were so high up that the clouds cast shadows on the mountains

We visited a paper factory. The left is the plant they use, I think it was something called Daphne (well it sounded like that anyway). And they boil it in a stove.

They then remove the water and you get some pulp like mush.

It's then made into a sheet

And then they're laid on metal boards that heat and dry the sheets

We also went to a weaving place:
I think it's great these arts are still surviving. The products are really beautiful too. And it must be really hard to do this work, so meticulous choosing each string to lift or not based on the patterns for each line..

The products are of course, not that cheap hahaha...

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