Thursday, December 6, 2012

Thimpu - the halo effect

There's a big Buddha statue being constructed on a hill in Thimpu. Well..not quite on a hill but on a hillside.

When we got up there the sun was right behind the head of the Buddha statue creating a halo effect.

It's very awe inspiring because it's so big. I think this might be the biggest Buddha statue in Bhutan although I'm not sure.

I don't remember where I caught this picture but I like it.

On the way from Thimpu to Paro, we dropped by here.

 The guard is telling me off for taking a photo in that direction because the royal family went to the temple there and we're not supposed to take photos. I thought they'd already entered so it was ok but apparently not. oops haha.

I love Bhutan prayer flags. So colorful and pretty when they flutter in the wind. I think they're much better than joss sticks. Probably better than joss sticks for the environment too.

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