Saturday, May 26, 2012

Oita 大分

We went to Oita by car!

Our first stop was Kyushu Natural Zoological Park ( 九州自然動物公園). African Safari! (アフリカンサファリ!)

Yes I kinda thought it was weird to have an African Safari in the middle of Kyushu hhahaha even more so because I didn't get any warning that we were going to one LOL

Check out the animals we saw!

Like a boss!!! He didn't move at all hahahaha...

You can also go on their buses if you don't want to drive! That way, you can feed some of the animals and see them up-close!


Shaggy bisons

The elephants were really popular. We had to line up and wait to see them!

Sleeping tiger no crouching dragon..

The cheetahs were really cute! All of them look in the same direction..if one turns they all turn..

Llama reminds me of hunchback of Notre Dame

I know I'm a sexy beast..

It was quite a fun experience..Only thing was we had to rent a dvd player that would play info about the animals..and it kept telling us to put on our seat belts and not get out of the car which was a little annoying..

We saw squirrel monkeys (リスざる)! And we could feed them...Do you know what they like to eat?

Why is chibu's face like that?
They eat worms!!I couldn't get myself to touch the worms so I didn't feed them haha..

The monkeys are kinda cute though..(just the 1 on the right)

Aren't the ponies cute? Chibu...stop touching that pony's ass...

 I was really excited that there was a kapybara at the zoo! カピバラいた!

 That's one mighty strange looking kapybara...

There was a dog saloon and cat saloon too but we didn't enter because there's a separate fee! It was quite fun..

I don't think my kapybara looks like the real one...

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