Saturday, May 12, 2012

Up early on Sunday

Today's Mother's Day.

How are you celebrating it?

I got up super early, went to Cittarama, came home and went to sleep. That's how my day has been so far.

The Venerable Veradhammo was there and I like listening to him.

A picture I took of him at Wat Ratanawan
1st of all, he speaks English.

2ndly, he puts things in a simple way, that anyone could understand and apply.

The Dhamma reflection today was very short but I came away with this:

There are 2 ways to deal with past kharma.

1. Passive - it's done and accumulated in the past, I can't do anything.

2. Sun Bharmi (I'm probably not spelling this right at all) - Use the bad situations that turn up because of your bad kharma to develop a stronger character, to find refuge in your heart.

Such a simple thing, but so hard to put into practice! And how come I never thought of that? Maybe I need more time to reflect on things instead of always rushing around all the time..

I remember a talk of his I heard a long time ago that I really like..

He said he had a fear of speaking in public. Then he realized what he really feared was failing.

Isn't that true of a lot of things? Fear of heights is really a fear of falling.

Fear of dogs is a fear of getting bitten.

Fear of exams is a fear of failing exams.

What do you really fear?

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