Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Tiger's Nest

Parent's friend to tour guide: Why is the temple called Tiger's Nest?

Brother: because tigers lay eggs there.

All of us: -.- but laughed

For the real explanation, you can read it here. From what I remember, a great Buddhist master flew to the temple on a tiger, so my bro's joke wasn't so far off haha.

You can ride ponies halfway up. If you're afraid you'll run out of steam, then it's a good idea to do so. A word of warning though that the ponies prefer to walk on the sides so if you're afraid of heights don't look over the sides. The ponies can be quite mischievous too and try to irritate the other ponies or be stubborn and not move hahaha..

It looked really far and I was seriously wondering if it was possible for us to make it there in one day and back hahahaha...

It's interesting seeing Paro Taktsang (Tiger's Nest) from different views and getting closer and closer to it

Some parts are quite steep and I felt sorry for the horses.

So close yet so far!

The last stretch (after crossing the bridge) was really tough because we had to go up and down a lot and also because of the altitude the air was really thin. I'd to stop quite often and I was really huffing and puffing.

We couldn't take photos at Tiger's Nest itself but the temple was very beautiful. The paintings on the walls were beautiful too. I can't imagine how they built the temple up in this remote area...

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

an old temple and ruins

I remember at another temple in Bhutan we met an old man who had retired and become the caretaker the temple. The temple was located on a hill so it was quite tough to travel to get food and supplies but he had decided on the path and that was it. His wife had passed away and his children grown up so he dedicated his life to religion. His daughter made the climb once a week to visit him. He spent his days keeping the temple clean, praying for a better next life for him and his dead wife, offering fresh water to the Buddha..Just a simple life.

Animals are not harmed in Bhutan as it's not good karma to harm them. I feel that even the animals are happier in Bhutan. They have a lot of stray dogs though. I heard that at night in the cities the stray dogs howl quite loudly.

We went to see the ruins of Dryukgyal Dzong that was burnt down because of butter lamps.

We took a different trail down and the view from that trail was stunning. Bhutan is so beautiful. I prayed a lot in the temples of Bhutan that it would stay beautiful.